Its been a longgggg 2 weeks without the use of my computer and will be an even longer upcoming period to sift through my over 420 political emails! But hey, Ive never been one to turn my back on injustice. I thought Id throw in this thought provoking quote before submitting a few controversial articles[food for thought] "I have the greatest admiration for your propoganda. Propoganda in the west is carried out by experts who have had the best training in the world - in the field of advertising- and have mastered the techniques with exceptional proficiency... Yours are subtle and persuasive ; ours are crude and obvious... I think that the fundemental difference between our worlds , with respect to propoganda , is quite simple. YOU tend to believe yours... and we tend to disbelieve ours." Soviet correspondent [based 5 years in the US] [ I refer to it as a'Big Brother Society] Have you got a few minutes to spare? Check this short slide show out 'All Souls Day' > & these 2 supplemental articles & or this excellant article by the coeditor of the Radical Youth journal 'Left Hook' > Do you EVER wonder >their< Christmas season will be like? Luv all the recent photo shoots especially the long awaited ROBY set!

must be the soft young lips of youth! ahaha

i've totally done that pose in yoga...if i was a man, i'd be sucking cock all fucking day!