To be true to oneself you must travel the oceans of Adversity rather than lying at anchor in the Shallows of indifference and complacency! My motto -fringes [Give me PASSION over acceptance anyday!] So heres my 1st political instalment for those who still have the ability to think for themselves! QUOTE- A figure of 100,000 iraqi civilians [200,000 if you include Fallujah] have died due to the U.S. >liberation< of Iraq! John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. I call that "Cold Blooded High Tech Murder!" ps. I did a little calculating for a comparrison/equivalency to the US population and I came up with figure of 2,720,000 American civilian deaths from an ILLEGAL Iraqi invasion! Now if you include the genocidal sanction civilian death toll of over 1 million Iraqi's that American civilian death toll rises to...16,364,000! And you expected the Iraqi's to welcome the so called liberators with open arms???What planet are you from???
[Edited on Oct 29, 2004 11:41PM]
"Genius" = >genius<.
ingenius = <genius>
Whom can I call upon to save me from pretence?
Mistakes equal?
Never beaten in the field.
Your flat with your chin in sand
that you are lying in
with stones daubed in your fists.
[Edited on Oct 29, 2004 11:50PM]