Just finished talking to my best friend who recently came back from a 1month trip to Italy to find out that Fox might be re-airing WunderFalls on Vision TV [Canada] on mondays @9pm. Hes got a sweet deal with Fox, that they pay him while hes on their retainer! [ he stars as the bartender] The 1st few episodes almost paid for his house on the beach and lots more $$$$ where that came from. Who says LOOKS arent everything! That plastic surgery is looking more tempting all the time!Hmmmm..... NAH!
So I'm trying to understand what you're saying. You say that a U.S. covert operation took out a pre-Saddam Iraqi leader because he threatened to nationalise Iraq's petroleum? I'm not sure what you mean by nationalising it. Please explain. If you would like to chat on AIM please do IM me at 'boboeufs'. I would love to chat. It's easier to find out info than going back and forth on journal entries.