man. what a fucking dogshit day.
we babysat a four year old psycho terror and an 11 year old version of me tonight.
i think my mom is coming over tomorrow (yikes!)
and um...i never get any e-mail. that makes me sad.
but i went to the library today on my walk and got two books on quilting and a documentory on the crusades hosted by Terry Jones of monty python.
i get the cord for my sewing machine which means i get started on my quilts which means money from e-bay and shit soon which means more tattoos and books and fabric for me! HOORAY!
ok. i had better get to bed now.
i just want to wake up and have it be tomorrow already.
man. what a fucking dogshit day.
we babysat a four year old psycho terror and an 11 year old version of me tonight.
i think my mom is coming over tomorrow (yikes!)
and um...i never get any e-mail. that makes me sad.
but i went to the library today on my walk and got two books on quilting and a documentory on the crusades hosted by Terry Jones of monty python.
i get the cord for my sewing machine which means i get started on my quilts which means money from e-bay and shit soon which means more tattoos and books and fabric for me! HOORAY!
ok. i had better get to bed now.
i just want to wake up and have it be tomorrow already.
i just cut off all my dreads so want to make a quilt from all my old headrags. will be the first one i've attempted since high school. i used to be partial to the amish designs but don't think that'll work with all the prints i have...anyway i'm rambling. hi! bye! hope you had a good night's sleep.