i hate so much.
i hate that we have no money.
i hate that some dumb, middle-class PC avengers tried to give me shit for not wanting to live in a place far worse than this.
i hate that my husband is so angry, sad, upset, frustrated, whatever...anything but happy.
my kid stood up by herself today for about a minute. it was amazing!
i kept expecting her to start to fall on her butt and had my arms out to catch her and she just kept standing there.
i'm still sick. now i'm hacking up bits of my lungs
i made pasties for dinner! they are tasty!
i wish he would get home from school so he could eat them
but he will probably still be all pissed off and not want to give me snuggles
i hate that some dumb, middle-class PC avengers tried to give me shit for not wanting to live in a place far worse than this.
i hate that my husband is so angry, sad, upset, frustrated, whatever...anything but happy.
my kid stood up by herself today for about a minute. it was amazing!
i kept expecting her to start to fall on her butt and had my arms out to catch her and she just kept standing there.
i'm still sick. now i'm hacking up bits of my lungs
i made pasties for dinner! they are tasty!
i wish he would get home from school so he could eat them
but he will probably still be all pissed off and not want to give me snuggles
the boy one is From Napa.
we lived at his mom's pad for a while and then she kicked us out and we moveed into the apartment in vallejo! whee!
about everything else, just remember to take care of each other first before all other things and it'll work out. My parents were married young and lived in some serious shitholes and they got through it and raised five good kids and are still madly in love. You can do it.