Wednesday Oct 11, 2006 Oct 11, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email The bigger the asshole the cooler you are? Is that how SG works? VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS sonofapunk: I just got your second comment on my journal. And yeah man, I'll totally hetero-hug you too. We're bro's, fo reals. Yes. Plural on that reals. Haha! Maybe a little hetero ass-squeeze? Hehehe. Kiddin'. Aaaaaand yeah dude. Cheers! To being single, with a broken heart, and an unrealistic hope for love! Live it up while you can, aye? Oct 14, 2006 acet: Mainly this one, and this one. Oct 14, 2006
Maybe a little hetero ass-squeeze? Hehehe. Kiddin'.
Aaaaaand yeah dude. Cheers! To being single, with a broken heart, and an unrealistic hope for love!
Live it up while you can, aye?