I was raised protestant Christian. Thought it was really the only way to live and that all the rest of the 'unbelievers' would go to 'hell.'
That was untill I was about 14, then I started to question a lot.
Then my parents got divorced. My mom, after each fight her and my dad would have, would tell me how that would never happen. How it was a 'sin.' But she did, they got one.
So then my beliefs got really shaken and I wanted nothing to do with all that.
Well now I'm 22. I do believe in a higher... something. Something out in existance that is greater than me. I guess most would call that agnostic.
But I want to be part of a group of something bigger than me. But I'm not sure if religion is it either. I've considered trying to be a free mason or a muslim and other things.
I'm not sure what my point is though...
That was untill I was about 14, then I started to question a lot.
Then my parents got divorced. My mom, after each fight her and my dad would have, would tell me how that would never happen. How it was a 'sin.' But she did, they got one.
So then my beliefs got really shaken and I wanted nothing to do with all that.
Well now I'm 22. I do believe in a higher... something. Something out in existance that is greater than me. I guess most would call that agnostic.
But I want to be part of a group of something bigger than me. But I'm not sure if religion is it either. I've considered trying to be a free mason or a muslim and other things.
I'm not sure what my point is though...
Thanks. I know how to do .zip files though. The only thing is they are still to big to email and I can't break them down anymore because they don't want that many emails. I'm going to try yousendit.com like one of the SG's suggested. But thanks anyway...
I look up at the stars and am so reminded that I am just a pencil dot in this wonderful world of such unexplainable beauty...That is my higher power...my wonderful insignificance...