What would happen if everyone just stopped posting new threads? Or if no one replied the them anymore? Do people think this would be a very active site?
The obvious anwser is of course, no. No new threads, no one replying any more = a dead site.
And yet whenever someone starts a new thread that even remotely looks like one that has been started in the past... out come the trolls!!! "Hey you $#%&ing attention whore," or "ever heard of the search feature idiot," and "Blah-blah-blah already said that right here!"
Ok, ok I get it, search before saying something but uh hello? With what... almost 10,000 'articles' and next to 15,000,000 comments don't you think that most everything at this point is just repeating?! Helllooooooooo fifteen MILLION!!!. That's a lot of stuff people have said. That's a whole lot of things to try and not copy. I'm sorry if you have no life and spend every god damn second of your life on the boards so when I post something you've already seen ten of the same. I'm not here for you. If I come across something I find funny and ammusing and decide to toss is in the silliness board and it just so happens that there is something else like it. Or if... horror of horrors, someone else liked the same thing as me! Does that give you the right to call me names? How old are we here folks? 10? I think we're all at least 18 you know... Can we please act like it?
The obvious anwser is of course, no. No new threads, no one replying any more = a dead site.
And yet whenever someone starts a new thread that even remotely looks like one that has been started in the past... out come the trolls!!! "Hey you $#%&ing attention whore," or "ever heard of the search feature idiot," and "Blah-blah-blah already said that right here!"
Ok, ok I get it, search before saying something but uh hello? With what... almost 10,000 'articles' and next to 15,000,000 comments don't you think that most everything at this point is just repeating?! Helllooooooooo fifteen MILLION!!!. That's a lot of stuff people have said. That's a whole lot of things to try and not copy. I'm sorry if you have no life and spend every god damn second of your life on the boards so when I post something you've already seen ten of the same. I'm not here for you. If I come across something I find funny and ammusing and decide to toss is in the silliness board and it just so happens that there is something else like it. Or if... horror of horrors, someone else liked the same thing as me! Does that give you the right to call me names? How old are we here folks? 10? I think we're all at least 18 you know... Can we please act like it?
well said sir... well said

Don't be bitter. There are naked girls here.