I was hungry. I stopped reading and left my room in search of food. On my way down the hall I thought, 'hmm, what sounds good? Oooh BLT's do. Yeah well I had not one but two of those last night. They take a bit of time to make too. What about chips and lunch meat? Ugh, all out of meat I think. Well, there's always cereal. True, true, that'll work.'
I find my self in the kitchen soon after and I open the fridge to get the needed milk. And I see
'what the fuuuuck?! Salsa jello? What in god's green earth is this shit?.'
And me being me, I take a wiff. ::sniff-sniff:: 'Tomato?! Oh, damn! It IS salsa jello! Grooossssssss
Hmm... I wonder what it tastes like. I see little green chunks, what could that be?!.'
Well I went on to taste it and truth be told it looks a lot worse than it was. I guess it was some crazy V8 junk. Still gross though.
I find my self in the kitchen soon after and I open the fridge to get the needed milk. And I see

'what the fuuuuck?! Salsa jello? What in god's green earth is this shit?.'
And me being me, I take a wiff. ::sniff-sniff:: 'Tomato?! Oh, damn! It IS salsa jello! Grooossssssss

Well I went on to taste it and truth be told it looks a lot worse than it was. I guess it was some crazy V8 junk. Still gross though.
mmmm, salsa jello... i must indulge....damn to far away. looks like i'll be spending some quality time in the kitchen....and then the toliet...
We're still broken up though.
Oh well. She still has a lot of growing up to do before she's fit for a relationship.
DUDE! You have the same fridge I do! Hahahahaha! Awesome!
I want some salsa-jello