So... I lost my hat last night. Normally I wouldn't care about a silly hat but this hat was special... It was a magic hat. No, seriously. It let me have a mohawk and keep my job if I wore it. Ugh. So now I lost it so the mohawk went away. But not without a fight!
Look at how it fought!
Oh how the battle raged!
Here's a random picture of a monkey in a tree!
And here's me being silly.
Look at how it fought!

Oh how the battle raged!

Here's a random picture of a monkey in a tree!

And here's me being silly.

Just tell me off if I'm treading on thin ice or a touchy subject (after all, it's pretty much none of my business)...
But how long have you been with Phenomenater? You guys just seem so awesome together and really love eachother. The adventures you say you guys go on seem like adventures me and my ex used to go on. And we were together for like 6 years.
So how lucky are ya? How many days, months, or years into her are you
I envy you dude. My girl fucked me up so hardcore. {PinkPunk13} I still love her though. Always have, always will...
And when's your next journal entry comin' bro? I miss ya!
Not so you guys negate eachother. But because you equalize eachother. When you're mad it's that little thing she says that makes you calm. When she's sad it's that little thing you do that makes her smile. For what one of you lacks, the other one provides.
Your perspective on life seems to be opposite of hers. This is a good thing. If you're a realist and she's an optimist, things are great.
Trust me dude. If she makes you happy, and you make her happy and it doesn't hurt to be with her (like it ended up with mine) then you're gonna regret losing her.
Take Bradley Nowell's words to heart:
"Life is too short, so love the one you got, cuz you might get runover or you might get shot."
When he refers to "one" he means your own life, and her.
Appreciate what you got, otherwise you'll be living a life of what you "could have had".
Like I said, if you make her happy, and she makes you happy, you know it's right.
There's no such thing as a relationship without conflict. You have your preferences, views, perspectives, morals, feelings, and she does too. Not all of them are going to be the same at first. Some might never even be the same! It's just when you love and respect eachother enough to accept who you both are is when you're truly perfect.
Accept imperfection.
It's a lot better than hittin' it solitary.
There's no feeling on Earth like being in love dude. Trust me on that.