Well I know I said this would be an all picture entry but that wouldn't make much sense. I kind of need to tell you what's going on.
So I'll stick with short captions.
What I see on waking---
Me ready for work (I dress this way for work 95% of the time.)---
A couple movies I rented to watch with Phenomenater (the misses.)
Where I rented them (Silver Screen Video)---
Gas station around the corner from Silver Screen---
Last light before the 101 on-ramp---
Then I saw this (wonder what happened?) ---
Up the hill...
Aaand down the hill...
All the way to central San Rafael!
Series of 5 lights right after the exit---
Here's my destination, the Montecito Plaza---
Here we are---
Me parked and that's where I work---
Me checking--- (self shot, hahaha.)
My locker (Eric is no longer here... so I'm keeping his memory alive)---
Booze we sell---
After close. Quincey being up the pallets---
What the store looks like when the trucks have come and the pallets are all over---
(This is the frozen aisle, pallets broken down and product being worked.)
The grocery aisle---
The soy, chips, dried fruit and nuts, and juice aisle---
Frozen finished---
Soy, chips, dried fruit and nuts, and juice finished---
Then it was time to go home. But wait! I called Phenomenater to see how she was and she tells me a friend of hers is in the ER. And she's there with her. No harm done (to Phenom) but I guess her friend had some booze and sleeping pills. We're not sure why... Any ways here's that little trip.
San Rafael at 1am---
If I was going 55mph you could see this sign which say, "101 to San Francisco and Oakland."
Signs leading me to the Marin General---
Inside the ER---
Home at last---
Mmm, Grolsch---
And so ends a day in the life of Del.
So I'll stick with short captions.
What I see on waking---

Me ready for work (I dress this way for work 95% of the time.)---

A couple movies I rented to watch with Phenomenater (the misses.)

Where I rented them (Silver Screen Video)---

Gas station around the corner from Silver Screen---

Last light before the 101 on-ramp---

Then I saw this (wonder what happened?) ---

Up the hill...

Aaand down the hill...

All the way to central San Rafael!

Series of 5 lights right after the exit---

Here's my destination, the Montecito Plaza---

Here we are---

Me parked and that's where I work---

Me checking--- (self shot, hahaha.)

My locker (Eric is no longer here... so I'm keeping his memory alive)---

Booze we sell---

After close. Quincey being up the pallets---

What the store looks like when the trucks have come and the pallets are all over---

(This is the frozen aisle, pallets broken down and product being worked.)

The grocery aisle---

The soy, chips, dried fruit and nuts, and juice aisle---

Frozen finished---

Soy, chips, dried fruit and nuts, and juice finished---

Then it was time to go home. But wait! I called Phenomenater to see how she was and she tells me a friend of hers is in the ER. And she's there with her. No harm done (to Phenom) but I guess her friend had some booze and sleeping pills. We're not sure why... Any ways here's that little trip.
San Rafael at 1am---

If I was going 55mph you could see this sign which say, "101 to San Francisco and Oakland."

Signs leading me to the Marin General---

Inside the ER---

Home at last---

Mmm, Grolsch---

And so ends a day in the life of Del.