its official. we have the trashiest neighbors ever.
for one thing im pretty sure that we are the only street in our town...or state that its legal to drink out in the street. so the people upstairs totally got their 16 year old daughter drunk...who proceded to apparently get pissed and beat up the moms 40 year old theres all this pushing and banging going on. fuckers. they run out into the street...or i guess supposedly got "pushed by the skinny little bitch" aka the 16 year old daughter. at least thats what the "fat whore"...or accross the street neighbor..said. now 40 year old buzzard drunk man is threatening to burn his car or something if they wont give him his keys back. all the while screaming "youre a 16 year old little bad ass arent ya!" now theyre talking about choking and busting teeth. real cool.
oh yeah...and about an hour ago at like midnight we had to send ryan upstairs to tell them to turn off their water because it was pouring all over our electricals...only to have them tell us it was coming from their toilet.
this is really our life. gross.
UPDATE: stina called the cops because they were outta hand and now they are all scrambling around trying to get their own appartment. they are fucking psychos and now the upstairs neighbor is trying to hide people. fuct.
for one thing im pretty sure that we are the only street in our town...or state that its legal to drink out in the street. so the people upstairs totally got their 16 year old daughter drunk...who proceded to apparently get pissed and beat up the moms 40 year old theres all this pushing and banging going on. fuckers. they run out into the street...or i guess supposedly got "pushed by the skinny little bitch" aka the 16 year old daughter. at least thats what the "fat whore"...or accross the street neighbor..said. now 40 year old buzzard drunk man is threatening to burn his car or something if they wont give him his keys back. all the while screaming "youre a 16 year old little bad ass arent ya!" now theyre talking about choking and busting teeth. real cool.
oh yeah...and about an hour ago at like midnight we had to send ryan upstairs to tell them to turn off their water because it was pouring all over our electricals...only to have them tell us it was coming from their toilet.
this is really our life. gross.
UPDATE: stina called the cops because they were outta hand and now they are all scrambling around trying to get their own appartment. they are fucking psychos and now the upstairs neighbor is trying to hide people. fuct.
they didn't even have the brain cells left to shut the water off to the toilet.....geez. i thought that was common knowledge to teh trailer park people who live around youz peepz.
i really have to make a trip north to see all of you.