today was pretty fun...hung out with danny and times! we drank alot of coffee...or at least i did. it was pretty fun. we pretty much didnt do much...just acted like assholes. we went to bickfords and there was a preist in there and obviously they had to sit us right next to him...danny kept saying inappropriate dont realize how shitty you talk till youre seated right next to a priest...and everythings alot more funny too. im crazy tired. aparently all that coffee energy didnt last.
i DO in fact realize how shitty i talk!!!!!
i cant help it, its how i roll........
assbiting, huh, and soy delicious wiping? maybe somehow, i can work something out in MY house like that......
i have a new hat. i stole it from jess, and it has a safety pinned heart on it....... because i am lovable.
like jesus.
i almost threw up last night, but willed it to stop. i havent puked it up since my 20th berfday. nine years! yheard? holla.
when are we all hanging out? and are we moving to vermont, to start a commune for people who have shitty mouths.
p.s. i hate it when someone tries to tell you to stop doing something...... i always, (sometimes not on purpose) do it waaaaaay more.
im baking some oatmeal brown sugar muffins. if you hada car and hung out, you could drive an hour and a half and eat one.
whatever, i talked to my little 20year old friend nick about anal all night......he is learning, like luke skywalker...