yee haw! stina and i just got back from tahoe...well...2 dayz ago...and i decided to start doing things that are going to make me happy...instead of putting life off till later cuz its easier.
tahoe was fun...hung out with josh and knight...great fun! we went to alcatraz and the winchester house. we were hoping it was going to be scary...but it wasnt too bad. it was still alot of fun!
i no longer have a car...which was a little stressful at first...but now i dont think its so bad. ill do more fun things like bike riding and shizzo rather than driving around all the time. i obviously need to get a new one to get back and forth to work...but other than that im content. yup yup.
so yeah...its back to the real world...not vacation land...but isnt so bad i guess...maybe im wrong though...we have only been back for 2 days
tahoe was fun...hung out with josh and knight...great fun! we went to alcatraz and the winchester house. we were hoping it was going to be scary...but it wasnt too bad. it was still alot of fun!
i no longer have a car...which was a little stressful at first...but now i dont think its so bad. ill do more fun things like bike riding and shizzo rather than driving around all the time. i obviously need to get a new one to get back and forth to work...but other than that im content. yup yup.
so yeah...its back to the real world...not vacation land...but isnt so bad i guess...maybe im wrong though...we have only been back for 2 days

and now you guys are back from gay nevada or whatever, and dumb san francisco, and thats doooooooooooope.
now we need to all get together and eat some delicious food.
i made a whole bunch of people sing some wutang songs and shit in hottlanta. and yell wu-tang! when they won shit at the tattoo shop raffle. for serious. it was doooooooooope.
and for valentines, i got alot of pirate shit. and a pirate flag. to go with my black power flag, i guess.
but whatever.