so yeah...todays just another day in sally world...yee haw! i drank my yesterdays coffee...and im feeling ok. hopefully my new shoes will come in today ...cuz my old ones are mad busted!
last night eve_ill came over and we should him how we do it here granny style with a nice game of skipbo and yahtzee. classy! ry daddy made us din din...and we listened to some good records. oh yeah...and eve_ill gave me a cappacino im super stoked to have some sort of coffee gathering
yeah yeah! but anyhoo...i must be on my way out..peace yall!

so yeah...todays just another day in sally world...yee haw! i drank my yesterdays coffee...and im feeling ok. hopefully my new shoes will come in today ...cuz my old ones are mad busted!
last night eve_ill came over and we should him how we do it here granny style with a nice game of skipbo and yahtzee. classy! ry daddy made us din din...and we listened to some good records. oh yeah...and eve_ill gave me a cappacino im super stoked to have some sort of coffee gathering

just getting paid to go to school and not study anything cause i have no direction or ambition.
i just had some dough and felt like looking at tattoos and boobies so it made sense to sign back up here even though it makes me feel pathetic to pay for it.
but i'm not complaining.
cute pic by the way.