i hear that its sposed to rain for a while...i hope its warm rain
all ive been up to lately is working...i should try to do other stuff when im not at work but what ev. i picked up my room a little today...went through some clothes...exciting!
tomarrow is my last sally day for the week...woohoo! too bad the big boss is coming in

all ive been up to lately is working...i should try to do other stuff when im not at work but what ev. i picked up my room a little today...went through some clothes...exciting!
tomarrow is my last sally day for the week...woohoo! too bad the big boss is coming in

aww, thanks
yeah, i went in and they told me id get it "eventually" apparently since we are already in the middle of training someone they dont want ot promote me and have to train me at the same time, makes sense i guess, but it sucks that i have to wait, i soo poor and turned down a job that pays 2 bucks more an hour because i was supposed to have this promotion by now... suckage... oh well, at least i know they think im qualified for it