tonight we walked around town...bumped into some kids we havent seen for a was pretty fun. one of the boyz we saw wasnt alowed to give me a hug even though ive known him forever because he said his gf doesnt like it if other girls give him affection. scary.
tomarrow is my last sally day for the week...thank god! boss is gunna be there all day fun.
well...i guess i should get going to sleep so i can make it the bank in the morning since i havent made it there all week.

tomarrow is my last sally day for the week...thank god! boss is gunna be there all day fun.

well...i guess i should get going to sleep so i can make it the bank in the morning since i havent made it there all week.

yeah this is the first its happened to me and I think Dan is going to punch a hole in the wall, but I'm not going to pity fuck him either, he's being a brat. He wasn't "allowed" to give you a hug, and he listened to her?!
ha... well, chuck sure can pick em.. blah... wells boys- fucked.