Today is a very special day for me. Four years ago I decided to stop pretending and start living as I really felt, without a doubt it is the best decision I made in my life, it has been a super long and difficult path (like that of all people) but today I can To say that I feel very proud of being who I am.I remember that a year ago I wanted to enter this page precisely to demonstrate that femininity is much more than a vagina, makeup and garbage that society tells us that we must use to really be a woman. and so it was, my dream was never to be a suicidalgirl, my dream is and always will be to prove that I am exactly the same as any girl no matter what is in my pants. I wish a happy pride to all transsexual women if there is more on this page and I invite you to open your mind and respect what you do not know, as well as the owners of this page to open their horizons more, those who do not jump now they will stay in the past.
Xo Ms tequila.