I went out and got new car keys. I never found mine so i had to buy new ones, have my car TOWED to the dealership, and have them programmed to work in my car!!!
Since i was at the shop already, i asked for an oil change (about 110 miles overdue anyway)
$250 later... i got two new fucking keys and my car. yay. except now i am really broke.
Anyway, i got the kids Alvin & tha Chipmunks and myself Sweeny Todd.
off to watch some movies...
Since i was at the shop already, i asked for an oil change (about 110 miles overdue anyway)
$250 later... i got two new fucking keys and my car. yay. except now i am really broke.
Anyway, i got the kids Alvin & tha Chipmunks and myself Sweeny Todd.
off to watch some movies...
The worst part is now that you paid for all this, youll find your keys. Tough luck, keep your chin up though.