WARING the following journal was written while under a natural high. You have been warned!
What a beautiful day. I feel great. Nothing could get me down today. Something wonderful happened during meditation today. It was if a blanket of calming peace was placed over me blocking all negativity. I don belive I have ever felt so at peace with the world around me. It was if my body could not contain the joy I felt. I shared this feeling of peace and joy with everyone I meet to day by greeting each person with a smile. I now share this joy with you. I hope you have a peaceful and joy filled day.
Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
Thich Nhat Hanh
P.S. I am not a hippie I just love the world and everyone in it. (except the French)
What a beautiful day. I feel great. Nothing could get me down today. Something wonderful happened during meditation today. It was if a blanket of calming peace was placed over me blocking all negativity. I don belive I have ever felt so at peace with the world around me. It was if my body could not contain the joy I felt. I shared this feeling of peace and joy with everyone I meet to day by greeting each person with a smile. I now share this joy with you. I hope you have a peaceful and joy filled day.

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
Thich Nhat Hanh
P.S. I am not a hippie I just love the world and everyone in it. (except the French)
Im telling everyone a good time to be there tomorrow is around 8-8:30ish. you guys have all the details you need?
Pfffffft. You WISH sloths were cooler than koalas. They are in NO WAY cooler what with their stringy mildewy hair and sad, pathetic looking faces...I scoff at you!