The Good Reverend Charles Moran Here,
On the one year anniversary of Breezey and Mnementh's marriage I feel I should say a few words. I would like to quote Principle Fire Bush who said, "What has happened here was a miracle and I want you to fucking acknowledge it." I had 3 months in the betting pool.
Because it was me who preformed the wedding ceremony I find it necessary to look back at the last year and remind Breezy and Mnementh that they have 50 years of the same marital bliss to look forward to. So raise you glasses and drink to the happy couple.
On the one year anniversary of Breezey and Mnementh's marriage I feel I should say a few words. I would like to quote Principle Fire Bush who said, "What has happened here was a miracle and I want you to fucking acknowledge it." I had 3 months in the betting pool.

I am also messaging you my # so you had better send me yours! Or else....Brawhaha!
