holy fucking crap hell I haven't updated this thing in quite a while I dunno...............
I've gone to a couple good shows in Chicago of late.went to ChiFest saw Riistetyt,To What End and World Burns to Death and it was pretty OK the people I went with kinda pissed me off since even after giving them both a city map and a train map with everything they needed on said CTA map highlighted they still whined at me every day to explain the trains to them uuuuugggh
went wp to see Kylesa bout a month after that and it was fukken rawkin hung out in Chi for a cople days after that got pretty well rejected by the girl that I love more than anything and that kinda tore me up inside and all that mess but life goes on HxOx(my crust band)are playing our first show in almostg a year on the 21st
and I started singing/yelling in a local/danville based discharge ripoff band
thats about it well that I'll post for the world to see anyways
I've gone to a couple good shows in Chicago of late.went to ChiFest saw Riistetyt,To What End and World Burns to Death and it was pretty OK the people I went with kinda pissed me off since even after giving them both a city map and a train map with everything they needed on said CTA map highlighted they still whined at me every day to explain the trains to them uuuuugggh
went wp to see Kylesa bout a month after that and it was fukken rawkin hung out in Chi for a cople days after that got pretty well rejected by the girl that I love more than anything and that kinda tore me up inside and all that mess but life goes on HxOx(my crust band)are playing our first show in almostg a year on the 21st

thats about it well that I'll post for the world to see anyways
yeah I haven't read any of john dewey's work, but he was a bit of an aesthetics buff so I'm giving it a try, plus I haven't seen much of this whole american pragmatism deal. heidegger's being and time and that collection book basic writings are what I studied a few years ago, I really got into it back then.
mt angel is east of salem about 20 or 30 minutes
I've heard of crust, kinda like where the vocalist gets all deep and growly like? That's about all I know though...
I requested a friends invite