ugh just now got up mother is getting me some books out of the university library.I just bought a copy of Most Beautiful Woman in Town by Buk it rawks damnit.Foot is getting better ankle is getting worse,shit can't win I guess.Going down to the Red Herring(vegan resteraunt) in a bit here.The two girls who run the place went to a veggie confrence in Brazil last week want to see how that went for them.
Band practice on sunday with the new drummer;going to raise the idea of getting a second guitar player I do have someone in mind.
hope everyone that reads this has wonderful gout-free ankles
Band practice on sunday with the new drummer;going to raise the idea of getting a second guitar player I do have someone in mind.
hope everyone that reads this has wonderful gout-free ankles
good luck with the ankle and the second guitar player