I feel like crap fever sore all over forgot to call work today hope I still have a job been couch surfing for three weeks now
back to lovely Chitown at 11:40 am via greyhound
greyhound sucks butt .........Chicago doesn't
greyhound sucks butt .........Chicago doesn't
i wanna go back to chi i miss home!
Chicago has been treatingme well I'm back downstate for the Crapsmas season got down last night has a geat time with friends that I didn't realize I missed that much

living in chicago don't really have acess to the internet right now well at the library but they frown on nekkid lady sites being veiwed from their computers oh well
need a fucking ride to Chicago my shit's allboxed up and ready to go but I lost my friggin ride
jesus hates and the feeling is mutual
jesus hates and the feeling is mutual
delivery isnt going so good need to advertise more and probably get a night job so I can get the fuck out of dodge and up to chicago
holy crap so I'm setting up a bicycle delivery service for the vegan resteraunt I'm working at its been fun and stressful and generally crazy we start delivery on monday
hope this works out
hope this works out
so life's been good went to a bonfire last night drank beer had fun played music so on so forth
wow urpaign's been fun lots of shows lots of drinkin I've not been on the internet too much lately since well I have better things to do than write in online journals nobody reads.......whhhheeeeeeeeee.......but I'm sick as hell and can't go out so here I am babbling into the electronic void
i think i am getting sicky too.. i have a sore throat and feel icky. i hope it's nothing, i can't afford to miss work and i already called in today. thanks for the comment on my set btw.

sooooooooo I bailed on the west coast left Seattle on the night of the23rd of Aug and got into good ol Chi on the morning of the 26th wow fuck a buncha greyhound anyways had an amazing time the five days I spent in Chicago in fact had more fun and turly memorable experiences in five days than I did in roughly two months in...
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holy crap I'm in Seattle might be here for a while S bailed so I came out with this guy B we got out to Seattle a while ago then went down the coast back through oregon stopping in Ashland,Crater Lake,Cougar Hot Springs then I spent about a week in Eugene and B went back to Seattle......hitchhiked back up......looking for a job now...
right on
good places, seattle is pretty cool.
good places, seattle is pretty cool.
How is seattle treating you?
going to the west coast again leaving saturday expect even fewer updates
have fun- I'm heading out to the east coast myself.