Hello my lovely SG community.
I’m gonna get really real for a second here, as some of you may have seen on my page I’ve had a really rough time over the last 2 years. My mum was very sick with cancer for the 4th time and due to it being the 4th time and her also having obtained a lot of damage to her body from the last radiation treatments there was no way the doctors would treat her again. So We played the waiting game. I slowly watched my mother become weak and tired. She couldn’t eat her favourite foods and Then she couldn’t eat anything... my heart broke every time I saw her so frail and so sick.
Well my mum had enough. That’s the best way I can put it. She didn’t say a word to anyone about her plan. When her husband found her she was almost gone and by the time we got her to hospital we had agreed on one thing... do not bring her back, let her go cause bringing her back would be selfish. 9 hours and countless boxes of tissues later, we finally said goodbye. It’s been 4 months now and it still hurts. I know it will take time.
I wish assisted suicide was something we could do in the UK especially in these kinds of circumstances. It would have been great to have known and given her a lovely week to end it to. Also to have given her a good comfortable place to die in. Instead of in a hospital bed.
I think assisted suicide isn’t such a bad thing. I mean if somebody is in so much pain every day and theres nothing anyone can do about it then why not ? Why should we force people to live miserably. I think there are many places in the world where it can be done and done properly with nurses and such, but we should get it here in the UK now. I don’t wanna be a criminal if I help someone in pain end their life. Not that I have or probably have the strength for that anyway.
What are your thoughts on this ? Share in the comments if you like.