it was a rough night. thanks to Bitten who managed to talk sense to me and keep mt straight literally. i'm an addict, i'll use any substance in front of me. if it's not available I'm fine so I've only learned to avoid things. When put in my path, i have no strength, no morals, nothing. So as I was telling her what I was up to she kicked me square in the ass and let me know what was up, I talked with her until my brother came and he talked to me from there. I have never talked to him if if hadn't been for her. It was a long rough night, but my brother and I talked about "real" things.... and it was great to get to know him and accept him rather than resent him. I feel a certain amount of self satisfaction in knowing i made the right choice (at least one time)...... because I felt like a piece of filth for craving the shit to begin with. Maybe I learned something important last night...... I'd have been lost if it weren't for Bitten (she's so much more than a pretty face, she's so fucking tough and strong!!!!) and Kadar..... (who you don't know).
No big revelations. Just big thank you's for teaching the proverbial old dog a new trick.
No big revelations. Just big thank you's for teaching the proverbial old dog a new trick.

How has your experience made you feel? I really am so happy for you and for them.......
Tell me about your health, you are stronger then I would have ever imagined a man could be
Ok I have to run for now, Web design class all day
I have to tell you othe strangest thing- on my laptop next to my favorites tab is a box that shows the icon for some of the pages. It's relatively new that I am noticing that it does this and it's not for every page. But SG shows up and when I am on my blog page it says evangelin; geek! Yours says Freudianslip; Emo, Fetish
Do you think the man is spying on us??????????