sorry, it's not good enough but it's time to move...
this is unfinished at worst and a train wreck at best, but it was important for her to find this morning.
inspired by a conversation with Melanie....
We share a dream of Cabrini Green
A slum apartment for two
Most of the old tenements are gone
Replaced by something more respectable
Just like we should be
But we remain squatters in lives already abandoned
and dream of abandoned buildings
As in them exists the familiarity of our empty days
We cling desperately to one another
We dance barefoot in burned out rooms that reek of alcohol and urine
Our music is no more than sirens and the sounds of the chaotic world around us
We drink from bottles concealed in paper bags and
Kiss with cheap wine on our breath and lips
Nothing is as divine as denial
Our old traumas boarded up like the windows of these buildings
We smoke from the same pipe and share the same dirty needle
All sense of hope long ago demolished
We make love on the bare concrete floor
Behind the fences erected to keep us caged like the sub humans we are
In this way we stay blind to our lives crumbling around us
The tags on the walls remain our disquieting muses
We have learned to make due with roaches and rats
And piles of rotting trash
And to ignore the injustices of humanity
Our bodies are broken and disintegrating
The bruises and scars deep,
Our minds burned out,
Our thoughts no longer rational...
And in her decay she has offered a crumbling home for my heart
And finding asylum within her
I forget that we are so close to Locust and Sedgwick
I ask her what she wants...
She'll be content with me in Cabrini Green

this is unfinished at worst and a train wreck at best, but it was important for her to find this morning.
inspired by a conversation with Melanie....
We share a dream of Cabrini Green
A slum apartment for two
Most of the old tenements are gone
Replaced by something more respectable
Just like we should be
But we remain squatters in lives already abandoned
and dream of abandoned buildings
As in them exists the familiarity of our empty days
We cling desperately to one another
We dance barefoot in burned out rooms that reek of alcohol and urine
Our music is no more than sirens and the sounds of the chaotic world around us
We drink from bottles concealed in paper bags and
Kiss with cheap wine on our breath and lips
Nothing is as divine as denial
Our old traumas boarded up like the windows of these buildings
We smoke from the same pipe and share the same dirty needle
All sense of hope long ago demolished
We make love on the bare concrete floor
Behind the fences erected to keep us caged like the sub humans we are
In this way we stay blind to our lives crumbling around us
The tags on the walls remain our disquieting muses
We have learned to make due with roaches and rats
And piles of rotting trash
And to ignore the injustices of humanity
Our bodies are broken and disintegrating
The bruises and scars deep,
Our minds burned out,
Our thoughts no longer rational...
And in her decay she has offered a crumbling home for my heart
And finding asylum within her
I forget that we are so close to Locust and Sedgwick
I ask her what she wants...
She'll be content with me in Cabrini Green

saw these guys at the HOB like last December. met them too.
Isn't me hating you what you have wanted all this time??