Oh, procrastination.... ooo aaa
I hate Wednesdays, because I arrive to school by 7am and don't leave until almost 9pm. It's not being here that's bad, just having to carry all these books around and not having room to take the one I could be reviewing for tomorrow instead of poking around online... oh well....

poke, poke blush
i found that a rolling suitcase was helpful for this situation. i found a cute hello kittie one online years ago! i still use it when i want to hoist a bunch of books around. /random.
sounds good lady! wink im glad you're excited! u'll love it! xox
Ugh... this semester is kicking my ass. I dream of taking a day and going to my favorite coffee shop, doing crosswords and reading for fun. (Guilt-free, that is!) wink
Yeah I know how u feel I'm getting my ass kick as well
At work. I've been taking on as many shifts as possible lately to try and save $$$. I did get tattooed Friday. I addedto my sleeve I started last year. I know have a compact and lipstick tube surrounded by flowers. Very cute! I hope everyone has been having an awesome summer. I'm counting the days til vacation.
I went out with some friends on Saturday to the "Awesome 80's Prom" ... I ended up getting *VERY* drunk, something I don't normally do.... I ended up spending the next day sick in bed frown ugh!

I'm finally done with school with the semester and I'm actually having the summer off for once.

It's going to be weird just working, but I'm going to enjoy...
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To my Boston peeps...
This is a link to the most updated info for what's going on with our water leak.


It sucks so much!
My mom's birthday is this weekend! Im excited to party with her. Hahaha miao!!

In other news, I was accosted by teenage religious fanatics while waiting for the subway. Ugh... I totally am a live and let live person, but I hated that they were shouting out anti-psychiatry bs.They also wouldn't take no for an answer, when people didn't want to engage them. whatever

I'm being a...
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Feel better.
How is everyone? I haven't been around much (which seems to be the case for a lot of you, too)

I'm coming upon finishing up one degree and about to start another! I'm trying to get into a pre-med program at a nearby college and I hope it works out.

I also should post new pics as I've cut off most of my hair and...
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Awww! Italian Greyhounds are my favorite thing in the world. I want one something serious. I've never seen such a tiny puppy! love
Just got back from a week off. Went to NYC, got tattooed and saw cute animals at the Central Park Zoo