I stole this game from ktsmurf's journal. I'm no good at the linking thing, so we'll see if that actually worked. It's actaully quite fun and good for putting off real activity. Just pick an artist and use title names to answer the questions.
Yea for distractions. I chose CAKE.
1. Are you male or female? Guitar Man
2. How old are you? World of Two
3. Describe yourself: Opera Singer
4. How do some people feel about you? Never There
5. How do you feel about yourself? I Will Survive
6. Describe your ex: She'll Come Back to Me
7. Describe your views on crushes: Friend is a Four Letter Word (Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps)
8. Describe what you want: Stickshifts and Safety Belts
9. Describe how you live: Satan is my Motor
10. Describe how you love: Love You Madly
11. Share a few words of wisdom: Tougher Than it is
YEA! that was fun. You know you want to do it now.
Yea for distractions. I chose CAKE.
1. Are you male or female? Guitar Man
2. How old are you? World of Two
3. Describe yourself: Opera Singer
4. How do some people feel about you? Never There
5. How do you feel about yourself? I Will Survive
6. Describe your ex: She'll Come Back to Me
7. Describe your views on crushes: Friend is a Four Letter Word (Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps)
8. Describe what you want: Stickshifts and Safety Belts
9. Describe how you live: Satan is my Motor
10. Describe how you love: Love You Madly
11. Share a few words of wisdom: Tougher Than it is
YEA! that was fun. You know you want to do it now.
um...im just commenting for the sake of commenting...its not like i really had anything to say that i couldnt just say to you in person right now...unless im too lazy to walk into the living room..in which case, id be ber lame