- At home w. my girls and our fuzzies
2. Do you shop on Black Friday?
- *gag* NO!
3. Any family traditions for Thanksgiving?
- Avoiding the extended family, having a holiday for just us. Christmas is quite enough of those people for the year thanks!
4. Favorite outdoor winter activities?
- Exploring in our 4x4, and snowshoeing
5. Who's putting up a Christmas tree?
- Usually me, under protest, so probably me
6. Do you give to any charities during the holidays?
- No, I try to give a little year round, but I am tempted to give a larger chunk this year to a friends animal rescue. It's been a hard year for them.
7. Morning person or night owl?
- The night time is the right time!
8. Back to Thanksgiving what are you thankful for?
- My girls, both the wives and my playmate, and having the opportunity to be myself and not worry about conformity to get by
9. In love or looking for love?
- See #8
10. Shop early or wait to the last minute for your holiday gifts?
- Jamies department, I'm moderately Grinchy and think gift cards are fine
11. Question for the models, tell us about your first time modeling nude?
- N/A, nobody wants to see me
12. Question for the members, what's your favorite things you love about the SG website?
- The scenery of course, also opportunities to interact with new people. For an introvert that hates peopleing, I do like people as individuals quite a lot.
13. Favorite indoor activities during the winter months?
- Besides boinking?...
14. Something simple we don't know about you?
- I am old. ish.
15. Craziest thing or funniest thing you've done lately?
- I am realizing I am also boring, bc I cannot think of anything,...
16. Any family traditions for Christmas?
- It would be staying home and just enjoying ourselves, but we go to Jamies moms house every year for family gathering, and pug-fest. We have 2, her mom has 3 and a half (plus an antique chihuahua), and her aunt brings her group of rescue pugs, which is down to three from 7 a few years ago. It is a LOT of pug for one space!
17. Somethings you hate about the holidays?
- The over commercialized aspect, people have lost touch with what Christmas is. I felt it more when I wasn't deployed in the military so much (where Christmas became just another reason to drink,...). Coming home to Black Friday sales, Christmas Sales, the day after Christmas return the shit I don't like sales. People are out of touch with the spirit of the season, it's too selfish ad makes me ill.
18. How did you spend your Halloween?
- We never get trick or treaters here, so we usually have a night of watching cheesy scary movies. If it's on a Friday or Saturday night, we might go to the gay bar in Bellingham, they always have a great party!
19. Your plans for New Year's?
- I will be at work, fixing planes, keeping the flying public safe.
20. Share a Christmas memory?
- My first Christmas with Deni, her dad drove us down from the desert and we took the train from Los Angeles up to Portland, and then up the Columbia river to Wishram WA where my dad met us and drove us to Yakima WA. We spent Christmas with my parents so they got to meet Deni before the wedding. We were gifted an old retired forest service pickup, and I got a line on a litter of pug puppies across the valley,and took her to pick one out, my 1st gift to my wife to be. We drove back down to CA in that truck with a little puppy and loved every bit of it.