Quit smoking. My voice is coming back.
Got bejeesus slammed with work. Very good, for I need money. Very bad, for I no longer sleep. Wait, I hate sleep.
Good all around!
Pennsic is coming up. Let me know if this a.) means anything to you and b.) if you will be going. I intend to bring along my brother, who's basically a more charming version of myself. I'm going to get him likker'd up and throw him to the wolves.
Right after I finish these damn statements. Fuck, have I been up for 24 hours already? sheesh.
Got bejeesus slammed with work. Very good, for I need money. Very bad, for I no longer sleep. Wait, I hate sleep.
Good all around!
Pennsic is coming up. Let me know if this a.) means anything to you and b.) if you will be going. I intend to bring along my brother, who's basically a more charming version of myself. I'm going to get him likker'd up and throw him to the wolves.
Right after I finish these damn statements. Fuck, have I been up for 24 hours already? sheesh.
How are you? Way to quit!