Soulcaliber II (Xbox) score so far: me - 19 brother - 1. I like being a bastard.
But the Advance Wars battle is still looming...
Due to the influx of requests, I have hijacked my father's camera (a nice automatic/manual camera I've had the pleasure of whoring out in the past) and shall take many a purdy picture of my travels o'er in Sco'land.
For those who do not know, this shall be my second expedition to the Motherland. As financial stability increases, so will my trips to places far and wide. Yay! Scotland felt like home the first time I set foot in its wide countryside. I cannot wait to go back.
I'm a touch drunk. It took a night of drinking wine and crap beer to get me here, though. Sigh...
For alluv you Scots, post your clan! Represent tha pride, and I shall surely raise a single malt whiskey toast to you in a week!
For all you non-Scots, post something weird and freaky. I'm in the mood.
Y'know, I love you all. Merry Christmas, happy New Year, and all that fun well-do-good that comes from this season. I promise more unmitigated evil and rampant posting whence I return to Maryland. Until then...
Drink and be merry.
~The Trev

But the Advance Wars battle is still looming...
Due to the influx of requests, I have hijacked my father's camera (a nice automatic/manual camera I've had the pleasure of whoring out in the past) and shall take many a purdy picture of my travels o'er in Sco'land.
For those who do not know, this shall be my second expedition to the Motherland. As financial stability increases, so will my trips to places far and wide. Yay! Scotland felt like home the first time I set foot in its wide countryside. I cannot wait to go back.
I'm a touch drunk. It took a night of drinking wine and crap beer to get me here, though. Sigh...
For alluv you Scots, post your clan! Represent tha pride, and I shall surely raise a single malt whiskey toast to you in a week!
For all you non-Scots, post something weird and freaky. I'm in the mood.
Y'know, I love you all. Merry Christmas, happy New Year, and all that fun well-do-good that comes from this season. I promise more unmitigated evil and rampant posting whence I return to Maryland. Until then...

Drink and be merry.
~The Trev
You looking into the DS version or GC version that are coming out? I'm intrigued myself.
and which advance wars will your epic battle be on? 1 or 2? i've got both and my god those games are great!
Take it easy,
MogMagus out.