What I have learned/reaffirmed in the past week:
1. Funerals suck.
2. Friends do not.
2a. Especially when mixed with alcohol.
3. Having a really great week at work does not necessitate the following days will be of the same caliber.
4. In two weeks, I'll be overseas.
4a. For two weeks.
5. I really can go quite awhile without a decent night's sleep.
6. Sometimes, I really just need to grab someone I barely know and run off into a city for a beer.
6a. That guy knew the best dive I've ever seen.
7. When ordering yellowtail in miso soup, make sure to ask specifically what types of cuts they use.
7a. The cuts used are normally bone w/ some meat...
7b. Make sure to chew the fish first.
8. Some sushi places actually make spicy tuna rolls.
9. Akvavit tastes like lighter fluid.
9a. I really like Akvavit.
10. I am adept at resisting the urge to club things like baby seals.
11. Always read the prices on the menu closely.
11a. Unless you dupe me into paying.
12. I'm getting better at guitar.
13. I am not looking forward to 'home for the holidays'.
14. Tommorrow, I'm taking a single mother out for a walk.
14a. I have no idea where.
14b. I have no interest in dating a single mother.
14c. Yet.
15. In the past seven days, I have worked 50 hours.
15a. Not counting time spent in D.C. traffic.
15b. I do not enjoy working 50 hours in seven days.
15c. I can work more than 50 hours in seven days.
15d. I am paid by the hour.
16. I am interested in your chess game.
17. I am getting a tattoo sometime this week.
17a. With my friend.
17b. Who will then teach me to ride a motorcycle.
18. I miss my friends.
19. I have not gone out and done something crazy in awhile.
19a. That's what Scotland is for.
20. I am climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in nine months.
21. The application does not adequately demonstrate that the application organization knows what the fuck it's doing.
21a. I have been writing crap like that all week.
21b. I like being in Federal grant reviews.
22. I am not lonely. Bonus!
23. As of the last week, I am no longer poor. Double bonus!
24. I have a toast to post.
It's been a crazy week and my brain is pudding. I have the overwhelming desire to cook a lean steak, sit back with a glass of rum and pass out at nine P.M.
Amuse me.
1. Funerals suck.
2. Friends do not.
2a. Especially when mixed with alcohol.
3. Having a really great week at work does not necessitate the following days will be of the same caliber.
4. In two weeks, I'll be overseas.
4a. For two weeks.
5. I really can go quite awhile without a decent night's sleep.
6. Sometimes, I really just need to grab someone I barely know and run off into a city for a beer.
6a. That guy knew the best dive I've ever seen.
7. When ordering yellowtail in miso soup, make sure to ask specifically what types of cuts they use.
7a. The cuts used are normally bone w/ some meat...
7b. Make sure to chew the fish first.
8. Some sushi places actually make spicy tuna rolls.
9. Akvavit tastes like lighter fluid.
9a. I really like Akvavit.
10. I am adept at resisting the urge to club things like baby seals.
11. Always read the prices on the menu closely.
11a. Unless you dupe me into paying.
12. I'm getting better at guitar.
13. I am not looking forward to 'home for the holidays'.
14. Tommorrow, I'm taking a single mother out for a walk.
14a. I have no idea where.
14b. I have no interest in dating a single mother.
14c. Yet.
15. In the past seven days, I have worked 50 hours.
15a. Not counting time spent in D.C. traffic.
15b. I do not enjoy working 50 hours in seven days.
15c. I can work more than 50 hours in seven days.
15d. I am paid by the hour.
16. I am interested in your chess game.
17. I am getting a tattoo sometime this week.
17a. With my friend.
17b. Who will then teach me to ride a motorcycle.
18. I miss my friends.
19. I have not gone out and done something crazy in awhile.
19a. That's what Scotland is for.
20. I am climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in nine months.
21. The application does not adequately demonstrate that the application organization knows what the fuck it's doing.
21a. I have been writing crap like that all week.
21b. I like being in Federal grant reviews.
22. I am not lonely. Bonus!
23. As of the last week, I am no longer poor. Double bonus!
24. I have a toast to post.
It's been a crazy week and my brain is pudding. I have the overwhelming desire to cook a lean steak, sit back with a glass of rum and pass out at nine P.M.

Amuse me.

...see, see just a few hair extensions....