My wee bit o' the internet is undergoing a decent upgrade as I poke through photos and old scraps of scrawled-on napkins and shredded notebook paper looking for things to add. You're here reading it; it is only fair I give you something I feel is worth your time and mine.
New photoset up. These are the most recent photos I have, taken while I was involved in a playwrights project in New York. Yes, I'm a produced playwright. I can at least lob that one around dinner conversations whenever the subject turns to the shallow pretexts surrounding a degree in Creative Writing.
Looking at these makes me pretty damn nostalgic. For two months I was constantly undergoing rewrites and making long drives from Baltimore to New York (average once every one and a half weeks). The pressure was pretty damn intense. I loved it! It was a lot of work, but it was creative work done to a schedule. There was something at stake. It's amazing what I'll actually do when I'm faced with the pressure of a deadline. That feeling, now passed, is very difficult to simulate in the day-to-day. It'd probably make me a stronger writer if I could impose deadlines upon myself, with consequences for missing them. Of course, I know I'm a marshmallow at times, which makes sticking to a rigid schedule fuckin' difficult.
Anybody want to offer to cane me over the head if I don't write something new? I promise I won't like it.
Finally, just sos y'all get a feel for me, here's a picture from production night. I'm the one in the dead sexy vest.
I'm the only one in the picture who didn't do a comedy that night. Go me
New photoset up. These are the most recent photos I have, taken while I was involved in a playwrights project in New York. Yes, I'm a produced playwright. I can at least lob that one around dinner conversations whenever the subject turns to the shallow pretexts surrounding a degree in Creative Writing.
Looking at these makes me pretty damn nostalgic. For two months I was constantly undergoing rewrites and making long drives from Baltimore to New York (average once every one and a half weeks). The pressure was pretty damn intense. I loved it! It was a lot of work, but it was creative work done to a schedule. There was something at stake. It's amazing what I'll actually do when I'm faced with the pressure of a deadline. That feeling, now passed, is very difficult to simulate in the day-to-day. It'd probably make me a stronger writer if I could impose deadlines upon myself, with consequences for missing them. Of course, I know I'm a marshmallow at times, which makes sticking to a rigid schedule fuckin' difficult.
Anybody want to offer to cane me over the head if I don't write something new? I promise I won't like it.

Finally, just sos y'all get a feel for me, here's a picture from production night. I'm the one in the dead sexy vest.

I'm the only one in the picture who didn't do a comedy that night. Go me

Neal Stephenson?
Yessir! the skullgun is from Diamond Age.