Today is Wednesday, And I have 6 more days left. In 6 days, I goto Brigham and Womens Hospitial in Boston for a sleep study. Thats right im going to be a Gineua Pig. I get paid 2,000 dollars to sleep in a Hospitial room for nine days. No tv, no computer, no clocks, no contact with the out side world, heck my room does not even have a window. In a way this will suck, but in a way it wont. I get 2,000 dollars. Ill be able to pay off some bills. Other then that life is pretty boring im very uninerested in everything these days, but things will take a turn for the better. PEACE OUT
Oh I forgot to mention, I Have 2 friends now MaryJane and, Sixxette. Im happy now, they are both little cuties. Life is good. PEACE OUT