Ok...enough moanin' now...
That guy was a dick...many people are...its not hard to say please - I pitty the people who don't understand manners.
I got a theory as well...if the world were on weed...it would be such a great place to live.
I watched all these hard hitting documentaries with my flat mate the other day - baked as hell. They were so insightful, and the rest of the world should really know this stuff...like Tiger woods made more money wearing 'Nike' than all of the workers put together - isn't that sick? And some of these workers do 24 hour shifts, no breaks - and we think we have it bad!
The first world countries are so privlaged, yet so depressed about it...everyone is on anti-depressants ornot happy wh their lives - when most peoplearound the world have nothing. Its just sad what this world is made up of.
Anyways enough of that....I work with this guy, hes made of musclesand Aussie. HOT! but a nypho for sure.
So we hooked up one night, and now he doesnt show anymore intrest in me. To be honest I dont want a guy who fucks every girl in sight - just cause he can...but I do want a bit of attention from this guy - and its killin' me that I'm so keen on it, even though I've come tothe conclusion that hes a dick!!
In other news..
Seeing my baby Jive bunny this weekend....so keen!! Maybe get a tattoo...II've been working loads this week to save up the money for it. EEEEKKK its exciting! maybe perform this Sunday at the open mic night as well...but i'll be nothin without my other half there to sing her part of the harmony.
Also...something keeping me constantly keen about working here...they've put me in the kitchen to cook all the food...and now that I know what all the food looks like when its cooked and sent out, I'm starting to spice things up. Its awsome!
Anyways people....
Keep your eyes open for Friday...my new set goes into MR and im sooo keen to see what you all think
I miss not being able to get on SG whenever I want...Its a luxury for me now...
I'll post some sneak peaks at the new set before Friday...when I get online next.
Take it easy guys
That guy was a dick...many people are...its not hard to say please - I pitty the people who don't understand manners.
I got a theory as well...if the world were on weed...it would be such a great place to live.
I watched all these hard hitting documentaries with my flat mate the other day - baked as hell. They were so insightful, and the rest of the world should really know this stuff...like Tiger woods made more money wearing 'Nike' than all of the workers put together - isn't that sick? And some of these workers do 24 hour shifts, no breaks - and we think we have it bad!
The first world countries are so privlaged, yet so depressed about it...everyone is on anti-depressants ornot happy wh their lives - when most peoplearound the world have nothing. Its just sad what this world is made up of.
Anyways enough of that....I work with this guy, hes made of musclesand Aussie. HOT! but a nypho for sure.
So we hooked up one night, and now he doesnt show anymore intrest in me. To be honest I dont want a guy who fucks every girl in sight - just cause he can...but I do want a bit of attention from this guy - and its killin' me that I'm so keen on it, even though I've come tothe conclusion that hes a dick!!
In other news..
Seeing my baby Jive bunny this weekend....so keen!! Maybe get a tattoo...II've been working loads this week to save up the money for it. EEEEKKK its exciting! maybe perform this Sunday at the open mic night as well...but i'll be nothin without my other half there to sing her part of the harmony.
Also...something keeping me constantly keen about working here...they've put me in the kitchen to cook all the food...and now that I know what all the food looks like when its cooked and sent out, I'm starting to spice things up. Its awsome!
Anyways people....
Keep your eyes open for Friday...my new set goes into MR and im sooo keen to see what you all think

I miss not being able to get on SG whenever I want...Its a luxury for me now...
I'll post some sneak peaks at the new set before Friday...when I get online next.
Take it easy guys