Friday...just another day
Woke up, it was pouring with rain, the sky was a dark grey -> i like this weather
Ipod messed up again
This little 'act' it thinks it's playin' is gettin' kinda old now! Bloody machine.
Also...I laughed SO HARD at this the other night...I was hoping we could share that feeling...
Woke up, it was pouring with rain, the sky was a dark grey -> i like this weather

Ipod messed up again

Also...I laughed SO HARD at this the other night...I was hoping we could share that feeling...
Not heard anything about the jobs yet
Got loads more films last night, will try do something with them, only problem is whenever I click on a film to watch it on this pc, this little Nero "this action won't work" kinda thing repeatedly pops up, making it impossible to watch the film. I don't even have Nero! Crazy
We have the amulet charlie, the aaaamuuuuuuuletttttttttttt