Note to self:
Do not drink absinthe and champagne near expensive audio equipment.
Do not spill said mixture into the fader channels of a digital mixer as it is turning on.
Do quickly fumble for the off switch hidden in the back of the device.
Do not accomplish anything productive all day.
Do go for a long ride while mixer has time to dry.
Currently listening :
Death or Glory
By Running Wild
Release date: By 10 August, 1999
Do not drink absinthe and champagne near expensive audio equipment.
Do not spill said mixture into the fader channels of a digital mixer as it is turning on.
Do quickly fumble for the off switch hidden in the back of the device.
Do not accomplish anything productive all day.
Do go for a long ride while mixer has time to dry.
Currently listening :
Death or Glory
By Running Wild
Release date: By 10 August, 1999
here's what merriam-webster's dictionary has to say:
Pronunciation: 'swi-mi[ng]-lE
Function: adverb
: very well : SPLENDIDLY <the event went swimmingly> "