Just spent the last few days with family in NJ. Dull at times but it is always nice to ditch work and relax. The first day there I got my sister and brother to go check out some waterfalls off of RT 209. The last time I saw them was when I was around 12 years old. The scenery made for some decent photos so I snapped as many as I could. I got a couple that came out really cool. Originally I had planned to take a tripod and a few filters so I could do long exposure shots, but I figured that my brother and sister wouldn't be into the amount of time involved. I'm planning on hitting this place up again for that effort. Later that evening I met up with a friend and his future wife. Damn, his girl is hot so I'm happy for him. Their dog seemed to like me too much. As I was trying to sleep on the couch, this huge boxer kept crawling up on me attempting tp lick my face. During the times it wasn't trying to get with me it was gnawing on my hat.
Four more days until tattoo. I can't wait.
Four more days until tattoo. I can't wait.
Thanx for your comment.
Man, do I love my bike!