So who reactivated my account?
My roomie is off to have the Breathalyzer XT interlock installed on his car. This will prevent him from imbibing and then proceeding to operate a motor vehicle. Prior to closing the door behind him, he finished his beer.
that's too funny...godd for him though, i think they should be standard feature!
The imminent storm has cleared the night skies. My building has this wonderful backdrop of dark, deep midnight blue with irregularly notched clouds. There is a glowing aura reflecting off of every surface. Quite nice!
I just had this craving for sweets so I went to the RIte-Aid. The expectations of delight that I had for these goodies fell though. Junk food just not taste...
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I just had this craving for sweets so I went to the RIte-Aid. The expectations of delight that I had for these goodies fell though. Junk food just not taste...
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i like the way you write, i know thats kind of random to say. Anyway i know what you mean about junk food, in basic training we werent allowed to have any sugar and i used to crave it so bad. then when we finally got base liberty we all stuffed ourselves with chocolate and junk. Needless to say I've never seen so many girls get sick. Your body doesnt really want that shit... it wants me
Exige in black. Who wants to buy some sex and/or drugs? I need that car and when you need something it becomes a responsibility!!!
ifyou need it i hope you get it.
who the hell pays for sex and/or drugs!? haha.
who the hell pays for sex and/or drugs!? haha.
I would buy you but all I have is $2.75.... can I put you on layaway??
Hmmm. Holidays... This was an odd one this year. Almost didn't even feel like a Thanksgiving. I learned way too many family things in too short of a time.
Anyhow, the holidays did bring friends from far away. I got to hang out with Beck and Ang for a bit. Always good to see them. I'd say out of everyone I have met in Philly,...
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Anyhow, the holidays did bring friends from far away. I got to hang out with Beck and Ang for a bit. Always good to see them. I'd say out of everyone I have met in Philly,...
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Yesterday was spent reinstalling software and hardware drivers on my laptop. I hate doing it and is such a dull long journey. At least now I can start recording again and get a few DJ mixes done. At some point I felt that it was my responsibility to get some hot wings. So it was off to the bar for me. My least liked roomate...
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where the hell have you been!?
and why the hell havent you posted since before halloween! huh?
and why the hell havent you posted since before halloween! huh?

easy there, philly. you dont know cold. we do it right up here in canada. haha.
and you're right. the interweb is the satan.
and you're right. the interweb is the satan.

Flakiness annoys the hell out of me. Sweet fucking jesus is it lame! In the end, there are always plan Bs and what nots. The secret to life and success is to always have a plan B, a good escape route, and make sure everything you own has handles (wheels are a bonus).
I got a promotion today. This will result in my second raise...
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I got a promotion today. This will result in my second raise...
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Last night I went to a psytrance party hidden deep on a mountain in Allentown, PA. A bit cold but still a good time. The location was secluded and nice. Plenty of interesting people having a good time. It was great to say fuck it to the weather and still go out.
florida is just right.
florida is just right.
My landlord changed the locks to the front door today. They neglected to inform anyone in the building of this change. Good job bud!
did you get in by the window???? well we got a hole in our front door for 4 month before they finaly change the door yesterday.. landlord are stupid
Note to self:
Do not drink absinthe and champagne near expensive audio equipment.
Do not spill said mixture into the fader channels of a digital mixer as it is turning on.
Do quickly fumble for the off switch hidden in the back of the device.
Do not accomplish anything productive all day.
Do go for a long ride while mixer has time to dry.
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Do not drink absinthe and champagne near expensive audio equipment.
Do not spill said mixture into the fader channels of a digital mixer as it is turning on.
Do quickly fumble for the off switch hidden in the back of the device.
Do not accomplish anything productive all day.
Do go for a long ride while mixer has time to dry.
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haha no it's never a good idea to drink near a expensive equipment... cause sometime you can fall on it too... hope it still work do
yes, it is a word.
here's what merriam-webster's dictionary has to say:
Pronunciation: 'swi-mi[ng]-lE
Function: adverb
: very well : SPLENDIDLY <the event went swimmingly> "
here's what merriam-webster's dictionary has to say:
Pronunciation: 'swi-mi[ng]-lE
Function: adverb
: very well : SPLENDIDLY <the event went swimmingly> "
God damn it has been awhile. My internet was down forever. Pages would almost load and then POOF! The internet would freeze. Lame. Anyhow it gave me time to pack more and spend time riding the bike. I have been all over NJ and eastern PA. Lots of photos, too many parties, and more sunburn then I have ever wanted. I finally got to start...
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and hilarious you would mention being the seedy strip club DJ. its a cash money job too. you should look into it. oh, and the metal. i hate the metal, but its better than listening to Justin Timberlake's new song 5 times a night!! argh!
and hilarious you would mention being the seedy strip club DJ. its a cash money job too. you should look into it. oh, and the metal. i hate the metal, but its better than listening to Justin Timberlake's new song 5 times a night!! argh!