my job is listening to upset people ask me for something i cant give them. i get to try to sell them stuff too.

A peice of advice for all you sg buddies: if you're charged on your credit card for something you have no idea about, these are the magic words to say to the credit card company/charging company - "I did not authorise...
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ok, im browsing sg personals, pondering friends and what might be interesting tomorrow, and this thought hits me like death. I suddenly get the sinking impression of this cloud of base instinct behind every person's face. Not just instinct, but perspective. Their perspective is a reflection of their own instincts, of self-gratifying intent. It's like society is a half-assed painting slapped on the ass of...
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Actually I know a couple of people from Montreal who sold their tickets because they didn't really want to go to the Toronto show. I just shook my head. shocked
Dude, I will give you a IHJF shirt free of charge, if you promise to wear it often and sent me pics.
if someone would be kind enough to inform me about image links i would be a very happy gonzo.
found the late night solution. bleue 7.1; 900ml of pure joy.

in other news check out the cool preview at apple.com:


im gonna see dat.

in other news, kali seems to be in the duldrums. alas poor libula. i'd lighten her up with my dry humour but being the newly employed boozehound i am, the dry stuff seems scarce.

and yea, varicose veins. guess...
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I've been to Toronto plenty of times. I have family that lives there so I'm down to visit every couple summers.
And as far as the subway smelling... so does the one here. So does the one in New York. Every subway smells funny. tongue

getting used to waking at 7am instead of 11... = all niters with afternoon naps. Anyone have a solution to midnite paranoia? I could use it...

training at the call centre is pretty fun, the guy who heads the class is pretty smart and sets up all these presentations to get our head inside the industry we represent on the phone. For some reason this...
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Rejected from an MRI-scan study thing today at McGill. 5 Sessions over a couple weeks = 260$ compenstation. ! But because I took some acne medication in high-school (yes, very badass) for more than year it means im disqualified. Shucks no radiological injection and hour long magnetic scans on my brain.. mixed feelings. "I need cash" vs. "I dont want cancer/more mental problems" :/

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Images break down.
Fantasies break down.
What's left when no one's around?

Job interview today. Aced it. here's a sample:

"So sales motivates you?"


"Ok, here, sell me this pen"

[freegonzo takes a few moments to have a slight aneurysm]

"Alrighty, this Vertue pen is the finest quality pen in the world, it gives you a lifetime warranty of use, is made of 100% titanium alloy hybrid, and guarrantees zero spillage. It has been ergodynamically designed...
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just joined. Toronto - Mtrl transient computer geek. Pictures and life story forthcoming.
thank you. smile and bien venue.