Christmas did rock! My Christmas was really pretty damn good this year. I think the best part was giving my godchild Abby her presents on Christmas Eve morning. She was nervous at first but she took to that board like a natural.(see pictures on myspace) Then later that evening we all (Max, Fumie, Mom, Dad, even Gypsy) exchanged gifts. It was nice. First Christmas sober in freakin' years! It wasn't that bad, perhaps a buzz would've helped, but it wasn't that bad by any means. It was different without my grandmother and uncle there this year; they passed away last year. But mom didn't take it too hard, and everyone had a great time, and was happy with what they recieved. I stayed up pretty late and then had to work a twelve hour shift on christmas day, but even that wasn't so bad, it was a lil' depressing to be in that building on Christmas, and see so many of our people that really don't have families that care. However, I think we did a decent job of keeping them cheered up. Hope all of you had a great holiday as well, take care. By the way my second date went great, it sucks that I met her so late, cuz she certainly woulda been the bring home for christmas type, well, hopefully we'll get together again sometime soon my work schedule is actually pretty laxed this week.
Glad things went great for ya! Glad you had a great Christmas! Mine wasn't tooo blue! haha! By the way, which one on your list are you dating. Jana added me. I don't think anyone else in your list added me. Gotta work next 3 days. going sleep! drank large daquri. haha!

has anyone ever told you that you look like mathew broderick, from the ferris buller days. whom i have always found incredibly cute.
donnie darko is indeed a FANTASTIC movie... and daphne loves derby a wonderful band. im glad to see you read, most boys dont read. sorry i didnt get your comment for so long... i periodically forget i have an accound on here. you can check out my myspace though... its