Today I spent all day with my godchild/niece. My brother has her every other weekend and I make every effort possible to see her. She's only 8 years old but she acts so grown up for her age. We played Tony Hawk's American Wasteland for the biggest part of the day. Danced to age-appropriate punk. And then she grabbed up my bongos (that I have merely for decorative purposes) and said she wanted help writing a song. So I pulled out a piece of paper to start her brainstorming. I asked her what she wanted to write a song about; she thought for a minute...and then said " about a little girl that gets car sick." How funny is that? We had just started when it was time for my brother to bring her home. I'll have to post it upon completion. All and all a great weekend, apartment search begins tomorrow.

Kids think of some cool/freaky/stange/awesome shit. I mostly hate children because they are so needy and annoying (I have 2), but your niece sounds like she has potential. I am glad you added me back...PS I know I don't really have to tell you this, but I don't (really) hate children...I love them, but I can never finish an entire one...

She sounds so adorable!