Damn this site. It's been a while since I've been on and I can't figure out how to read your journals.
Wow, I have been having a great time, and then sometimes I am having a not so great time, and it's all in my little head, and bound in past feelings and fears. It's is so absurd what we put ourselves through, it really is. All the unnecessary bull-shit stuff that we bog our minds with. But I tell you what, it's hard not to do. I think the trick is to practice, practice, practice. I so long for my true self to let itself be free and live a life of joy, to let go and just be able to give love freely and to accept that love in return. I am soo much better and much wiser that I have ever been, so I have hope, I just have to have some faith in myself. I know I am capable of doing great things, I just have to remind myself that It's okay to be me!
Wow, I have been having a great time, and then sometimes I am having a not so great time, and it's all in my little head, and bound in past feelings and fears. It's is so absurd what we put ourselves through, it really is. All the unnecessary bull-shit stuff that we bog our minds with. But I tell you what, it's hard not to do. I think the trick is to practice, practice, practice. I so long for my true self to let itself be free and live a life of joy, to let go and just be able to give love freely and to accept that love in return. I am soo much better and much wiser that I have ever been, so I have hope, I just have to have some faith in myself. I know I am capable of doing great things, I just have to remind myself that It's okay to be me!

Sadly, I wasn't her special someone.