fur pajamas and rice crispy treats. don't ask.
Somethings that I have learned in life:
-All those things I thought I'd never do, or couldn't do, I have done.
-Things that I used to absolutely hate, have turned out to be things I love, that even includes some people. And vice versa.
-Follow your instincts and you'll never be wrong. And if you are, you just call it learning.
-We humans are capable of more than we give ourselves credit for.
-Also, we can actually make ourselves dumber than we all ready are (my friend proved this to me today, and we had a huge laugh at her expence)
-We'll never be happy with the way things are unless we accept that things are the way they are, or do what we can to change them.
-This site has turned out to be more than I ever thought it would be. I have made some great friends here, that, even though they don't extend beyond the computer screen, have shown me great beauty in life. For this, I am greatful.
-It's amazing how infectious our feelings are, and how they can change our outlook on life at any given time.
Group orgy anyone
Courtesy of egorgy
Somethings that I have learned in life:
-All those things I thought I'd never do, or couldn't do, I have done.
-Things that I used to absolutely hate, have turned out to be things I love, that even includes some people. And vice versa.
-Follow your instincts and you'll never be wrong. And if you are, you just call it learning.
-We humans are capable of more than we give ourselves credit for.
-Also, we can actually make ourselves dumber than we all ready are (my friend proved this to me today, and we had a huge laugh at her expence)
-We'll never be happy with the way things are unless we accept that things are the way they are, or do what we can to change them.
-This site has turned out to be more than I ever thought it would be. I have made some great friends here, that, even though they don't extend beyond the computer screen, have shown me great beauty in life. For this, I am greatful.
-It's amazing how infectious our feelings are, and how they can change our outlook on life at any given time.
Group orgy anyone
Courtesy of egorgy
Mmmmm...rice krispy treats and an orgy! What more can one girl ask for?
lol. thanks for putting my artwork on display.