I would like to thank EVERY
ONE who attended the SG detroit anniversary party to make it what it was...A FUCKN BLAST and a half. I loved meeting so many friendly, kissable, cute, people!! Fun! Despite still feeling a bit drunk this morning, it was totally worth a bit of discomfort!! I am feeling much better now, and will be at 100% by tomorrow(today's for laying in bed with movies and kitties)
From what I can tell...sounds like most of you had a great time!
thanks Speedphreakfor the photos.
ONE who attended the SG detroit anniversary party to make it what it was...A FUCKN BLAST and a half. I loved meeting so many friendly, kissable, cute, people!! Fun! Despite still feeling a bit drunk this morning, it was totally worth a bit of discomfort!! I am feeling much better now, and will be at 100% by tomorrow(today's for laying in bed with movies and kitties)
From what I can tell...sounds like most of you had a great time!
thanks Speedphreakfor the photos.
Hmm I grabbed your ass eh? That dosent seem like a very wise thing for me to do considering that I spent most of the evening asking Speedphreak to teach me how to jump outta an air plane
[Edited on Dec 29, 2005 3:01AM]