Thursday!!! I am working a double tonight. Tomorrow I am off which is great! Nothing exciting is going on.
Next week is going to be great.
Have fun then. smile
What is today? I know its the 30th but I am not sure what day of the week. That is sad!
Anyway, the rain stopped! YEAH!!!
I am hooking up with my guy again next week and I can't wait. He is going to freak about my car!
Anyway, nothing else is really new.
I am thinking about getting another tattoo - something Kanji. I...
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>Are you still available to help if someone wants a Kanji tattoo?

Sure, what can I do for you? I'd like to see what you got for "serendipity", I have looked in 4 dictionaries and I get nothing.

Thank you
that's good new all around aye? robot
Well, its Monday. Blah! Can someone please make the rain stop? What is that about? I buy a convertible and it rains for 3 days straight?! That is BS!
Anyway, nothing other than my car is new. It makes me smile! I love it. love
Cool, hope you get to enjoy it when the weather is better.
It's about 70 degress and sunny here. It's really nice. robot
I wish the weather would get nicer so I could try out the new top!!! It is so nice to be driving a manual transmission again! I missed that!
Anyway, I need to do laundry for work!
aww thanks smile
Is that an old style Beetle or the new one? smile
FRIDAY!!!!! I just got home and I have a new car!!!! I got a Beetle!!! I can't wait until it gets warmer so I can put the top down!!! YAHOO!!!!!
Damn, you're just changin everything in your life. Good for you.

Officially, the marital status deal????
it's not one of those new one's is it? eeek I like that older one better. New are just kinda eeeekkk to new. oh well congrats on the new car robot
Thursday! Well, I worked a double last night and my ass is dragging! Today is my Friday!!! Yeah! I am hoping to see my guy next Friday but I am not sure what he's got planned. It might end up being the Friday after that! AHHHH! That is so far away!
But, maybe I will have the new car by then!
Not too much new...
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Oh yeah!! Today is my friday expect for I get tomorrow off paid smile That's just so sweet. Well have fun with your boy. Don't do anything i wouldn't do wink

Moving end of April. Can't wait. Soooo, what's the scoop with you anyway? I pretty can guess but haven't officially heard... Gonna have to email me and tell me the details.
TAXES Suck! I owe this year! AHHHH!!! So, now I have to pay a huge amount of money! Hint: Don't go tax exept on your check and forget to go back! Ha-Ha! LOL!!!
Oh well.
I think I am going to get a new car too. I am sick of my Honda.
Taxes :blah: but the moneys good on the returns robot
thank you wink

sorry to hear about the taxes.
damn the man!
Well, good morning! I got up super late due to being on the phone until 0230 this morning! Yikes! Talking about Friday! love
Pretty hot conversation!
Anyway, gotta run to get some groceries and get back to get ready for work. Happy Tuesday!
hehehehe chica chica bow bow wink

me next!! me next!! biggrin

Back from the gym! Need to get ready to go to work - BLAH! Oh well.
I was thinking of sending my guy some suggestive email or text messages on his cell - maybe that will push him over the edge and get him to hook up before our usual couple of weeks? Any suggestions?
There's a post in one of the groups the dating one maybe?
the gym :Blah: yeah yeah i know i need to go (and/or join first smile ) but it's just like really far.

I say go for it!!! If he's that easly spooked then FORGOTTABOUTHIM!! robot
Monday- Good Morning!
How is everyone?! Good, I hope. I put in for a job yesterday that will be a lower grade, but it will be more $$ in the end. I have some friends going out for it too and I am better qualified but I don't want to knock them out of the running.
Anyway, I need to get to the gym.