My days off go by too fast! I hate that! I feel like I got nothing done. I was suppose to go looking at houses but didn't feel like it.
I need to go buy clothes since mine are all too big, but didn't feel up to that either. LAZY day!
Anyway, I better go do some laundry at least so I have clean...
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yes yes it's been a lazy day. I have done nothing today expect for watch vampire movies and alais. robot
TGIF! Today I am going to the gym, washing my car, cleaning this messy house, buying some strappy sandals for next Friday and whatever else I feel like doing.
I wanted to thank Oracle for saying Squirters were a good thing. smile
Since that happened to me I have been freaked out about it.
Anyway, everyone have a great Friday, I will be online later or...
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is the nintendo ds really worth it? i need to get one of those portable game thingies for summer i was wondering if i should get that or the psp shocked
thankx for the bdays wishes biggrin
Well this has been quite the week. My "friend" and I had a huge I don't know what you would call it on Monday - it was awful. I felt like I was being dumped, which is technically impossible given my situation...
Anyway, it sucked and I do not want to ever feel like that again. He actually said he felt like he committed...
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That's crazy shit. I hate fights with friends but sometimes they are neccressy. Just to get shit sorted out yo!! robot
Tuesday- nothing exciting going on. Just woke up and need to get ready for work.
Now that was an exciting journal. biggrin
Well, big shocker - I over reacted. Everything is fine. He was just saying that he didn't want anyone to get hurt in this mess in general. I can relate.
Anyway, everything is ok - I think too much.
His girl said something funny this weekend though. They saw a car like mine and he said something about it and she said that she knew...
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that's pretty futin funny. Atleast all is well now aye? robot
Ok, maybe I am just freaking out. I talked with one of my friends and she thinks he just doesn't want to hurt anyone in general. Who knows. This just sucks! I hate that I couldn't talk to him yesterday. Maybe I will talk to him tonight.
just kept calling him to he answers. I know you can break em that way. robot
What a loser. I guess my whole getting excited for Friday was for nothing. It was great to see him, don't get me wrong. The whole meeting up was good as always! I looked cute with my dress on and my little strappy sandals, etc... - he freaked when he saw me
But, he said something that has been on my mind and makes me...
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Thursday!!! Well, I had to go to the dr yesterday for my injury at work. I damaged something in my hip / back or something. He gave me some heavy duty narq. that I can't take and drive so I will be calling in sick today - darn!
I took the top of the car yesterday too! That was cool! It was 90 out! I...
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Well well. Slickin out again huh? lol

Hope you're feelin better. What happened at work? Chucky was just asking me if I knew where you were cuz you weren't at work today.
Drugs alway make thing better robot
Tuesday! Yeah! I just have to get through a few more days.
Nothing exciting is going on. Work is boring, home is boring.
The weather is looking up which is great so maybe the top can come off my new car soon! It needs to be washed too! I need to do that!

Hope the weather gets better! smile
thanks biggrin
Today is Saturday and it has been raining for days! I am so sick of it. I know it is raining because I bought that convertible. Anyway, I bought my new cell phone too and I got the camera phone. Dangerous! Ha-ha!
So I went and picked up a few things for Friday! I bought this cute little sun dress and some strappy sandals, I...
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oh yeah we needs so pictures of ya lookin cute! That would rawk! I had to work this weekend *blah* but now it's over and I have OT and OT is good!! robot
Look at you gettin all gussied up. I wanna see the new ride sometime.