Went to Baltimore and went to the Aquarium! That was fun. Drove around the city, ate at the Hard Rock- did the whole tourist thing. Had a great time. We went to visit a co-worker (Rob) and his wife up in Bel Air, MD for a few hours. Just got back from being up there and now I need to go do laundry- how fun.
Went to Baltimore and went to the Aquarium! That was fun. Drove around the city, ate at the Hard Rock- did the whole tourist thing. Had a great time. We went to visit a co-worker (Rob) and his wife up in Bel Air, MD for a few hours. Just got back from being up there and now I need to go do laundry- how fun.
How was the aquarium? Anything cool? Worth the drive?
I'm getting my back finished up on Monday. Can't wait.