I have been a fan of British-born David Usher and the Canadian rock band "Moist" for a long time, so when this song came up on my random shuffle, I felt like sharing it and a story.
The whole band was originally from the province of Ontario, but all moved, individually and without knowing each other, to Vancouver, BC. They met and formed in 1992 and really got clicking in 1993. Their first album, "Silver," had several hits: "Push," "Silver," "Believe Me," and "Machine Punch Through," but that whole album was stellar and worth the listen.
Then, in 1996, they released "Creature" to which they really got famous. The biggest track was "Resurrection." But, again, it was solid album with such hits as "Tangerine," "Leave it Alone," and "Gasoline."
I saw them on November 9th, 1997 in the Jack Singer Concert Hall, in Calgary, Alberta. It was sold out early, so they also did a second show on November 10th. I think it was the 4th real concert I had been to since I turned 18 in 1996. And the fact that it was in a orchestra concert hall made it special. We were in row 11 and right in the middle and it was awesome.
First, their opener was Holly McNarland who put on a great set, even though she was dressed in an uncomfortably revealing dress and standing right up close to the first row. She wasn't aware how a concert hall worked, apparently. She pretty much covered herself up the whole time, while singing and performing.
Then, Moist came out and put on a wonderful show that sounded amazing. We weren't allowed to stand up or rush the stage, because it was an orchestra hall. The security was very strict. The band knew it and teased us a few times over it.
At one point, the drummer (Paul Wilcox), came out and sang a cover of Bill Withers' of "Ain't No Sunshine" that was beautiful and got me into Bill Withers. At another point, Dave said "Because you have been such an amazing audience and we are in such an amazing venue, we decided to play something we haven't played since we first started. We hope you like it."
To which they started playing "Enter Sandman" by Metallica. The crowd lost it and rushed the stage, and security wasn't stopping us. But, being Canadian, we all apologized as we pushed passed them. Crowded up the stage, within a meter of the band, we were cheering and losing our minds. Great build up and just as the lyrics were to begin, the band switched over to "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson. Dave laughed at us while he sang "Billie Jean, she not my love." We all laughed too and went back to our seats to sing along and laugh.
Despite having been to hundreds of concerts in my life, that one really stands out to me as special and I can't help but think of it every time one of their songs comes on. Of course, I played several "Moist" songs during my time as a DJ at a strip club, so I also have a few other memories to their music than that. But, it will always be special to me and I wish that social media and smart phones were like they are today, but back then, because I would have recorded a lot more and had the chance to share more of the experience with you all.
Please enjoy this song, music video, and amazing lyrics.
"Resurrection" by Moist
I've been drowned out by the rain
Still I'm wishing I could stay
But I'm sorry my old friend
I've got to leave you once again
And despite what I might say
I measure pleasure by the pain
Measure pleasure by the twisting
Of the metal in vein
And it might be very hard
Can't be more than what we are
Can't be more 'til it's over
Here comes the resurrection
Everybody's got to die from something
Nothing ever left to leave you when you go
I saw you strip my babies
Animal the way you cut them might be
Animal the way I cut you from below
So you goad me into spite
It's the cruelty that you'd like
It's the waiting for the one thing
That you never could define
Fill the longing just because
Emasculate the ones you love
Have to wait 'til it's over
We are the less than mighty
Never was a way I thought it could be
Never quite enough to leave you when you go
I saw you strip my babies
Animal the way you cut them might be
Animal the way I cut you from below
I've been drowned out by the rain
Still I'm wishing I could stay
But I'm sorry my old friend
I've got to leave you once again
And despite what I might say
I measure pleasure by the pain
Measure pleasure by the twisting
Of the metal in the vein
And it might be very hard
Can't be more than what we are
Can't be more when it's over
Here comes the resurrection
Everybody's got to die for something
Never thought I'd have to leave you when you go
I saw you strip my babies
Animal the way you cut them might be
Animal the way I cut you from below
And if anger is the ending
Of the thing that we've become
For the mother and the father
And the sister and the son
Through the shallow without wanting
Realization to mistake
Through the ugliness
The open all the things we can't replace
I will control